Frequently Asked Questions about athlete’s foot between the toes

Know what’s really happening with your feet

Learning the facts, signs, and symptoms of athlete’s foot between the toes is an important first step in successfully treating it. Here are the most commonly asked questions:

Q: Who gets athlete’s foot between the toes?

A: Just about anyone can become infected with this fungal infection. Athlete’s foot between the toes is very common, affecting nearly 7 out of 10 people at some point.

Q: What causes athlete’s foot infections?

A: Athlete’s foot between the toes is caused by certain types of fungi called dermatophytes (der-mah-to-fytes). They can invade the skin, causing bothersome and sometimes embarrassing symptoms.

Q: Are these infections common all year around?

A: Yes, athlete's foot can occur at any time of the year because fungi thrive in warm, humid environments, such as the inside of shoes and boots, damp clothing, yoga mats, and floors in bathrooms, locker rooms, or by the pool.

Q: Why is it so hard to get rid of my athlete’s foot between the toes?

A: This fungal infection is often stubborn and difficult to get rid of. It’s important to use antifungal treatments exactly as directed and practice good hygiene to prevent getting reinfected.

Q: Over-the-counter products haven’t helped my infection. What’s next?

A: The next step is to make an appointment with a specialist. A podiatrist (foot doctor) or dermatologist can prescribe a safe and effective treatment regimen to help you manage your fungal infection. Ask about NAFTIN GEL 2%.

Q: What is NAFTIN GEL 2%?

A: NAFTIN GEL 2% is a fungicidal treatment, which means it attacks the fungus. NAFTIN GEL 2% is specifically indicated for athlete’s foot between the toes.

Q: How is NAFTIN GEL 2% different?

A: NAFTIN GEL 2% is a topical antifungal treatment applied directly to the skin once daily for 2 weeks. NAFTIN GEL 2% is a water-based gel. Water-based gels are rapid-drying and non-greasy—advantages when treating areas between the toes that tend to stay moist.

Q: How do I use NAFTIN GEL 2%?

A: NAFTIN GEL 2% is applied to the affected areas, plus a half-inch margin of healthy surrounding skin. Apply once daily for 2 weeks, as directed by your healthcare provider. Be sure to read the package insert. Sticking with the prescribed regimen is key to curing your fungal infection and keeping it from coming back.

Q: What are the common side effects of NAFTIN GEL 2%?

A: In clinical trials, the most common side effect was itching on the skin where the medicine was applied. If you have irritation or redness with the use of NAFTIN GEL 2%, stop treatment and contact your doctor.

Q: Can I save on my NAFTIN GEL 2% prescription?

A: Eligible patients can take advantage of the NAFTIN GEL 2% Co-Pay Savings Program and enjoy a $22 Co-Pay for their NAFTIN GEL 2% prescription. The savings program is available to pharmacies nationwide. Check here to see if you qualify.

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INDICATIONS AND USAGE: NAFTIN (naftifine hydrochloride) GEL 2% is an allylamine antifungal indicated for the treatment of athlete’s foot between the toes caused by fungus in patients 12 years of age and older.

WARNING: If there is redness or irritation on the skin with the use of NAFTIN GEL 2%, stop treatment and speak with your doctor.


1. NAFTIN GEL 2% is only for use on top of the skin. NAFTIN GEL 2% should not be used in the mouth, eyes, or vagina.

2. If there is irritation or redness with the use of NAFTIN GEL 2%, treatment should be stopped. Contact your doctor if you have irritation or redness on the skin after using NAFTIN GEL 2%.

Cancer Risk: It is not known whether NAFTIN causes cancer or causes a risk of cancer. Long-term studies to evaluate the risk of cancer from NAFTIN GEL 2% have not been done.

Pregnancy: Let your doctor know if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. NAFTIN GEL 2% should be used during pregnancy only if the benefit to the mother is greater than the risk to the unborn baby.

Nursing Mothers: It is not known whether this drug passes into breast milk. Because many drugs pass into breast milk, women who are nursing should take care when using NAFTIN GEL 2%.

Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in children under 12 years old has not been proven.

SIDE EFFECTS: In clinical trials with NAFTIN GEL 2%, the most common side effect was itching on the skin where the medicine was applied.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.
Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

REFERENCES: 1. Vlahovic TC. Choosing the right vehicle. Podiatr Manage. June/July 2008;209-218. 2. Data on file, Legacy Pharmaceuticals Inc. SEZC.